your work health and safety.
In today's workplace, we understand that the most important asset we have is you, our people. We take your work health and safety very seriously, and our core focus is to ensure your safety at all times.

your superannuation.
Sunsuper is one of Australia's biggest and fastest growing super funds with over 1.4 million members and $70 billion in funds under management. Sunsuper is a low cost super fund designed to profit members.

candidate handbook.
Whether you are just starting out on your career search, or already working as a contractor for Randstad, we want to guide you every step of the way. That's why we have devised a candidate handbook which has everything you need to know about what it means to be a contractor or temporary employee with Randstad.

misconduct reporting policy.
To protect our employers, employees and contractors, Randstad treats workplace misconduct as a very serious matter. We expect all Randstad employees and contractors to conduct themselves responsibly in the workplace at all times and in accordance with our Business Principles.